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Turkey's leading hospitals, health institutions, pharmaceuticals, medical devices and supplies, health information technology companies, companies such as GSK Turkey,
GSK Consumer Healthcare, AstraZeneca Turkey and Vitabiotics and UK insurance companies such as BMI Healthcare Services, Balsamee, Bupa took part.
Bringing the leading health tourism agencies, insurance companies, hospital authorities and specialist doctors of the United Kingdom together in Istanbul,
the United Kingdom-Turkey Health Business Forum was an important organization in terms of health cooperation opportunities between the two countries.
T.R. Ministry of Health Deputy Minister Assoc. Dr. The forum started with the opening speech of Tolga Tolunay, Deputy Minister of Health Dr. Şuayipİlk,
President of Turkish Medicines and Medical Devices Agency (TİTCK) Assoc. Dr. Tolga Karakan, General Director of EU and Foreign Relations at the Ministry of Health,
Dr. Selami Kılıç, General Manager of Health Information Systems of the Ministry of Health, Dr. Mustafa Mahir Ülgü, President of the Turkish Health Institutes (TÜSEB)
Prof. Dr. Erhan Akdoğan, International Health Services (USHAŞ) General Manager Mehmet Ali Kılıçkaya and senior public and private sector representatives attended the
forum. From the UK, UK Ambassador to Ankara Dominick Chilcott, UK Consul General in Istanbul and Eastern Europe and Central Asia Trade Representative Kenan Poleo,
UK Eastern Europe and Central Asia Trade Representative Jane Grady, British Embassy Turkey Commercial Attaché David Machin and UK Healthcare UK government
representatives and senior industry representatives attended the forum, along with David Sheppard, NHS Healthcare Deputy Head of Services.